Saturday, October 30, 2010

Intro/Rant Post

I hate it when people talk about you because they are under the impression that you are not nearby. Not only that, but when you decide to be dramatic and get up to walk away, they get angry at you. Because somehow this whole thing is now your fault. This was pretty much my morning. I woke up and my dad was visiting, so I went and sat on the recliner in the living room. The recliner is pretty creaky, so I figured they'd get that I was there. But apparently not because then my mom started complaining about how I don't have a job, and she's not going to bug me about it because I must be torn up about my recent ex boyfriend still. To my mom, I don't have two feet.

In reality, I've been applying for jobs but not keeping close track on them because I'm kind of working on my senior year of high school including 2 AP classes and yearbook. Not to mention the 60 hours of community service and the senior project we have to have done. It's just slightly stressful.

Recently I've been becoming more associated with the friends I've always had, but may not have talked to as much for whatever reason. Now I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with everyone. It sucks to trust, but it's a false sense of security I always fall for. Obviously I'm not planning for the whole "Trust me, I care about you" and then "Yeah by the way I lied? Don't talk to me." thing to happen, but apparently it does. Again, it sucks.

This is what I'm calling my rant post. From here on out I'll have a few of there every here and there just because I need a place to throw absolutely everything I can out. There are so few people I can talk to, and more and more decide to turn on me as I move through my life. So I've resorted to telling whoever decides to read these posts.

Hyperbole and a Half is my favorite blog of all. So a lot of what I say is influenced by Allie. I do not intend to steal her work.

Tonight, hopefully I can get my mind off of everything. One of my friends and I are going to go see a play, Murder on the Nile, and then we're going out to get sushi. I'm not a huge fish fan... so we'll see how that goes. :)

And now I'll end the angry wall of text post.

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